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Case Study: Colorado Hospital Saves 8 Weeks on HLC Restructure with ForYouHR Virtual Administration

As a certified provider of Virtual Administration for the HealthStream Learning Center™ (HLC), ForYouHR had the opportunity to come to the rescue for a Colorado hospital faced with an extensive—and urgent—HLC restructuring project. Here’s how we employed our vast HLC knowledge, technological acumen and team-based approach to turn a two-month project into a one-week deliverable, saving thousands of dollars and improving productivity for the customer.

The Challenge

Part of a larger health system, the Colorado-based hospital was undergoing a restructure of its HLC hierarchy. This equated to rebuilding 373 student groups and related 373 assignments, involving nearly 3,000 students with unique user IDs. Even with all required information in good format, such a large rebuild might have taken one hospital administrator several weeks, if not more. The larger problem? The customer was unable to provide student user IDs, the matching and collecting of which would add several more weeks to the project. With clinical, compliance and other learning events at stake, timely completion was critical.

The Solution

As HLC Master Certified administrators, we know the platform inside and out and quickly offer high-value solutions. We knew we could dramatically improve time to completion by deploying ForYouHR’s team of virtual administrators to expedite the project. However, in order to fully solve the hospital’s need to be up and running immediately, we had to find—or create—a solution to automate matching of student names with IDs.

After quickly determining there was no straight fix for job, we applied our deep understanding of HLC reporting functionality to extract data from various reports in the platform and developed a new process outside the system to automate combination of data pieces to solve for the student/User ID match. Once imported back into the platform, we moved swiftly through the process of creating the 373 student groups followed by the 373 assignments, with a dedicated project team that completed the entire process in one week.

The Results

If the hospital had completed this project internally with one full-time resource, we determined it would have consumed three to four weeks matching students with IDs and another three to four weeks creating the groups and assignments—or a total of eight weeks. Due to our intensive understanding of HLC best practices and a dedicated, tech-savvy team that creates solutions where none exist, ForYouHR completed the job in just ONE WEEK.

Our customer saved valuable time, improved productivity by freeing internal resources and saved thousands of dollars by reducing billable hours from several weeks to one thanks to our creation of a new, streamlined process.

How Can We Help YOU?

Have a similar restructuring project that’s keeping you up at night? Looking for a workaround for another large HLC data project at your organization? We would love the opportunity to exceed your expectations!

Check out our Services page to see the many ways we can help, and contact us or your HealthStream representative to easily add ForYouHR Virtual Administration to your existing HLC subscription.

How can we help you improve business and clinical outcomes?

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